Personal Errand and Organizing Services in Edmonton and area.

If you need more “ME” time, you need more of MY time.


Hello!  I’m Elizabeth

I’m the owner/operator of Simplifying Your Life. 

I am the human mum to my 4-legged 11 year old pup, Roxie and wife to my sweetie of 25 years, Ken. I love chai tea - my favorite is from Remedy Cafe, reading mysteries and the mountains where we try to go twice a year.  I also enjoy golf in the summer and, in the middle of the pandemic, I took up cross country skiing!  

My passion is to help others succeed which is what prompted me to start my business. After working with busy professionals in the role of Medical Clinic Manager for many years, I saw how torn they were between wanting to spend time building their business and wanting to be home with their loved ones. Not to mention the guilt they felt when pulled in different directions. It’s my mission to help people create balance in their lives and organize their homes so they can spend time concentrating on the area most important to them; whether it’s their business, family or self care. 


I have always loved organizing and have revamped many a friend’s closet or kitchen cupboard! Before starting my business I had a couple of friends who hated shopping (shocker but true) and, since I knew their size and preferences, I would go clothing shopping for them.  I was happy shopping and they got new clothes! A win-win. 

I am a general organizer which means I’m happy to organize any area of your home, office, garage or even your car.  I also offer Personal Errand services which include shopping, home checks, pet care and relocation and hospitality services.  

My philosophy is that asking for help is not a weakness but is important to maintain your mental and physical health. 

If you need more “ME” time, you need more of MY time. 

Let’s start simplifying YOUR life today. I look forward to being of service to you.

My Mission:

To help busy professionals increase earnings, spend quality time with their families and have the ability to practice self care by providing personal errand and organizing services to save time and create balance in their lives.

What They Say About Me


 “Elizabeth Smith was hands down one of the best decisions I ever made. She is meticulous and efficient but more importantly, she is one of the most dedicated, caring woman I know. She takes great pride in getting the job done very well and really cares about her clients.”

- Wanda R.

Elizabeth is compassionate and friendly. I have had the privilege of working with her. She is full of great ideas, and always works with the needs and wants of the client in mind.

- Ingrid C.

My Work


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